Hummingbird Energy Storage :: Part of Landmark Procurement to Replace Natural Gas
Technology Lithium ion battery energy storage
Capacity 75 MW / 300 MWh
Location San Jose, California
Status Construction
Interconnection Metcalf substation at 115 kV
Gen-Tie City of San Jose public easement
Ownership 100% esVolta
Customer Pacific Gas & Electric
Key Fact Developed specifically to reduce PG&E's reliance on natural gas generation
Additional Information: CEQA, The City of San Jose
Environmental Group Support
Earth Justice, The Union of Concerned Scientists, Sierra Club, California Environmental Justice Alliance and the Environmental Defense Fund filed a joint letter to the California Public Utilities Commission voicing their support for the battery projects selected by PG&E, including Hummingbird, stating they would:
“result in improved air quality, reduced greenhouse gas pollution, and significant ratepayer savings…”